Artificial Turf Maintenance Made Easy

Keeping up with the maintenance of your artificial grass isn’t difficult and can even be easier than caring for a traditional lawn. We will discuss the best tools to help clean up pet urine and stains and other tips to keep your Turf looking new. Maintaining your artificial Turf is essential to ensure the longevity of your grass.

It may seem not easy to maintain your Turf at first, but it will be easy once you have a routine and follow the steps below. Ideal Turf is proud of its years of experience installing artificial grass lawns. We are also here to guide you on artificial turf cleaning and maintenance.

Leaf Blower

A leaf blower is a tool to clear leaves, twigs, branches, stones, grit and dust from paths, driveways, and lawns. They are lightweight, easy to use and efficient. They make the job much quicker than manual clearing methods such as rakes and brooms.

In addition to making your garden look great, clean Turf will help it recover from the winter quickly. The grass can grow better in spring without the matted-down leaves and debris acting like a blanket over it.

A good quality electric blower vac is inexpensive and surprisingly efficient. It can suck up leaves and grass clippings into a bag for disposal or compost. Some models even have a mulching option to return the clippings to the soil. This helps with the nutrient cycle and improves soil texture. They are especially good for large gardens.


Even if you have carefully selected synthetic Turf, the fibers can still look flat from constant foot traffic. Using a rake or brush to help lift and reinvigorate the grass fibers is a good idea.

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A rake is an excellent tool for removing leaves and debris collected on your lawn or garden. It also helps to prevent thatch buildup, which can block nutrients and moisture from transferring between soil and vegetation. A thatch rake has sharp, long tines designed to break up and pull out thatch from between the roots of your grass.

Push Broom

A push broom is a cleaning tool for removing dust, powder, and fine waste particles from artificial Turf. It also helps groom the synthetic grass fibers back upright and is a must-have for homeowners with artificial Turf. The best push brooms for cleaning artificial Turf are those with soft, synthetic bristles or bristles that can be swapped out to be made of different materials for specific types of debris or to suit the surface of your home.

This is the one tool residential and commercial turf maintenance Kent swear by. A power broom will quickly and efficiently clean your yard with minimal effort, and it’s quieter than gas-powered leaf blowers professional turf cleaners use. Plus, it’s less likely to cause noise complaints from the neighbors! You can even find a compact, electric version for small yards.

Water Hose

Using a garden hose to rinse off your turf is vital for maintaining the pristine appearance of your artificial lawn. This helps eliminate any food spills, pet messes and other natural stains that may appear on the surface of your home’s synthetic grass.

It can also help you sanitize the area where your pets relieve themselves on the Turf. Adding a spray nozzle to your hose allows you to mix water and vinegar to clean the urine from the Turf, keeping it fresh and odor-free.

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